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Sep 30th

Fertilizing Your Mendocino for a Better Bloom

One of the best ways to improve the look and smell of your Mendocino is by fertilizing it. When you fertilize Mendocino, you help it to better absorb water and nutrients, which in turn keeps it happy and green all year round! Plus, when you fertilize your Mendocino at the beginning of its growth cycle, it can grow more flowers and bear more fruit than usual. To grow more Mendocino flowers than usual this season, follow these tips!

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The type of fertilizer you choose depends on the desired outcome. It is generally safe to use any plant food as long as you follow the instructions on the label, but it is best to stick with one product so that you can monitor your results and adjust accordingly. Some fertilizers are made specifically for flowering plants, fruiting plants, and colored foliage plants. When in doubt about which fertilizer to choose, it is always best to consult an expert or look at the specific needs of your plant. For example, if your Mendocino doesn’t need more fertilizer because it’s not blooming well enough, using an all-purpose fertilizer will have no effect.

If you’re interested in growing larger fruits, such as watermelons, tomatoes or pineapples, then a fruiting plant food would be better suited for this purpose. If you want to grow colorful leaves and berries like blueberries and strawberries, then choosing a colored leaf & berry feeder would be best. Once you’ve chosen what kind of fertilizer to use, consider how often it should be applied. How much fertilizer should I use? When it comes to fertilizing your plants, there are many different ways to do it. If you’re using an inline fertigation system, then you’ll want to use around 20ml (or one ounce) of GR5215 per 50 gallons of water. Foliar spraying is another option that only requires 1ml of fertilizer per gallon of water. As the final option, you could choose to use the fertilizer as a soil drench at around 5ml per gallon of water.

When do I fertilize my Mendocino? Some plants may need to be fertilized with a water-soluble fertilizer during their flowering stage. If you are in the soil drench or foliar spray stage, use GR5215 Hawaiian bud and bloom 5-50-17 water-soluble plant fertilizer. This special formula is for tropical plants like the Mendocino, fruiting plants like tomatoes, and has colored foliage like azaleas. It is safe to use up until the day of harvest. Be careful not to overdo it, though, because too much fertilizer will cause your plants to grow bigger leaves but few flowers.

The GR5215 Hawaiian Bud and Bloom 5-50-17 is formulated with the perfect balance of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous and other nutrients that are necessary for flowers to produce the maximum number of blooms. It also contains micronutrients such as iron, zinc and boron that help support plant growth and provide them with protection against pathogens. If your plants have not been fertilized at all or have only been fertilized in the past few weeks, fertilize your plants with this mix to promote beautiful flowering.

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